New Dove Creek Baptist Church


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The Affirmation

I am anointed by God, covered in His blood, and empowered by His word. I am wealthy. I am healed, and prosperous in my soul. No good thing will be withheld from me. By faith I command blessings and increase for my NDC family.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. He has destroyed strongholds and broken curses of every kind. My God has given me the spirit of Power, Love and a sound, obedient Mind.

I declare no power of darkness shall be able to hinder me. I exercise my authority to cast down spiritual wickedness that seeks to bind my NDC family.

I will walk by faith and not by sight. I will pray without ceasing. I will endeavor to  keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of Love and Peace.

I will praise God in all things from the rising of the sun until  the going down of the same. I will be Steadfast and unmovable as we all Transition...

In Jesus' Name!